Thursday, February 21, 2013

Super SinHenry

 REAL NAME: Henry Roil
 AGE: 9
 WEIGHT: unvearable
 FAV  FOOD: Tacos
 POWERS: shape shifter, flying,
 super swag, super human strength.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fotobabble for Room 5

I read a mystery book then summarised it. Can room five guess what book it is?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Name Art

This is my name art here is a link to were I made it

Taupo, One Ski, Splash

WALT choose words that describe a moment for the reader
  • begins in the action
  • present tense (I am, not I was)

  • short, sharp sentences
keyword’s: taupo, one ski, splash

BEEP BEEP BEEP the alarm clock goes I leap out of my bed. I wrestle on my wetsuit It’s a bit of a struggle. We back the boat in the water. My Mum loops the rope through the air to me. “Yep” I shout. Dad guns it and the rope goes taut. I feel the surge go through my arms into my body. The boat rips me out of the water.    I stand up and I stay standing till the waves from the other boat disappear. I am really nervous I start to lift my foot. The ski fall’s off I tuck my foot behind the other one. Everyone cheers! I try to do one hand! and went yes! I wobble and wiggle I lean to the right I I I wipe out. splash! I hit the water.    

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Netbook Agreement

I will respect and care for my computer I will charge my netbook.